Celebration of the “Hun” at Schengen

Celebration of the “Hun” at Schengen

From 20/10/2024
To 20/10/2024

Location : rue Robert Goebbels L-5444 Schengen

Address : 

rue Robert Goebbels
L-5444 Schengen

Web : http://www.si-schengen.lu

E-Mail : info@si-schengen.lu

Schengen invites to the traditional “Hunnefeier”, which marks the end of the annual grape harvest!

The ancient custom of the “Hunnefeier” origins in the fact that back in the days, on the last day of the grape harvest, a living cock was tied to the end of the last row of vines to be harvested.

The winegrower who was the first to harvest his row and thus finished first the grape harvest, received this cock as a prize for his speed. This somewhat barbaric custom was naturally replaced by a new one: every year a new limited edition of the “Schengener Hinnchen” (chicken of Schengen) is designed by a different artist.

A cockerel made of clay – a real and unique souvenir! Once you have got your “Hinnchen”, the flea and craft market with over 100 stalls, international street artists, an exhibition of historic tractors and musical entertainment await you. Of course, you can also taste the wines and Crémants as well as the local “Fiederwäissen” and “Fiederrouden” to get a first taste of this year’s vintage.